$1000 - $5000
Hunt id: 6503-ne-lease-988-whitetail-astu4renewp-brarari3vernio-or1yc
Introduction with location-519 north pasture 988 acres
Whitetail deer like edges, we all know that. The like the edge of the corn where it meets the woods, they like the native pasture with it draws and dips for eating and cover. The deeper and more rugged the draws the better. To have these combination you must have an adequate amount of land that has all of these different whitetail prime habitat. We this lease has that and more. Add live water so that a good clean water source is always available year around. Deer like most animal must keep their system regular. They don’t have a drug store with “carters little farter starters” or any thing like that so they mist mix the food intake sources to get the right results for proper digestion.
That is why you will never see a deer’s stomach with only 1 item in it when you clean a deer and are being careful not to open the stomach. If the eat 1 thing only like alfalfa it would ball up in their first stomach and block the entrance to the second stomach. It would pack and tightly like under a rotary lawn mower. This prevents the digestive bio, stomach juices from getting into the center of the mass and they will die of starvation with the first stomach being completely full. A mixture of foods, forbes, greens, small woody sticks, grain, even corn silk assures that their digestive juices can always travel through the stomach and start the digestive processes required to begin the digestive break down process required.
With that all said think about the “edges” part mentioned above, they have a whole grocery store worth of different foods to keep they body regular and digesting properly. Think about it, have you ever seen a deer standing in green alfalfa reaching up and eating the end of an oak tree limb? This one is only a simple ½ mile from the main niobrara river rut movement corridors so rutting bucks move through on a regular basis during their rut rounds. This area has so much deer traffic because it is so perfect, and it is close to other corridors you will always see bucks when hunting that you and your game cameras have never seen before.
This is a fantastic place to make big whitetails focusing on the deep draw, with water, and the woods. The most difficult part is being able to select a place for a blind or tree stand since there are so many, many good places. It would take years to understand all of the traffic patterns and know where the best place is. In the mean time you will still take good deer here every year. Leases like this don’t come around very often because once a group gets it and sees its potential they never let it go.
Hunting licenses are available on-line from july 9th to some time is october when they run out for this unit.
Hunting season information
The property is completely fences and signs posted to protect it from others. It can be hunted the archery season, usually october 15 through december 31. The rifle is the second saturday in november and for the next 9 days which is great to have you hunting during the rut. In addition, the 30 days of december the property leased is open for muzzleloader hunting. In nebraska muzzleloader have a minimal set of requirement. You can use scopes and sabots and so on. You will want to see the nebraska hunting regulations to know all of the details. You will be hunting in nebraska popular missouri hunting unit so you have your license information.
Lease maximum hunters
This lease property has a property maximum hunters limitation is three to 4 hunters in a couple of the prime areas. It will be a joy to hunt opening morning or any time related to weather and rut changes. The potential to build and manage big bucks here is fantastic.
We could increase that number but we hunt lightly and provide a low price for the lease so that you can take big whitetail deer not just deer. To do so there are a number of qdm type rules we follow to provide you a more quality successful hunt. We are not worried about you being successful we are well over 90% we are trying to keep the quality of what you take home something that you can brag about when you take your buck home. The lease price per member is $ 3500 but due to the season we have reduced it down to only $1795 per member. You will never regret the investment once you set trail cams and hunt it a season. Every year you hunt it you will say if i knew friday what i know now that it is monday i would have a problem which of those monsters to take.
Property discription details
The property consists of almost 1000 acres of pasture with trees in the draws with crops and you will need a road map to just find your way around in the deer mecca of trails. There are some great locations to sit in ambush for traveling bucks rutty or just feeding either in ground blinds or tree stands. There is a huge traveling corridor on the property for deer transition from cover to feed across the property and just plain rut traveling. We call this corridor the interstate and a place to be waiting on opening day. We have seen 180 bucks during the daylight so we know they are there. These bucks are old timers and unless you hunt like a old timer you will just be lucks if you see them slip out on you, quickly and quietly. The next time you will see them it will be in the darkness on your trail cam if you are lucky. This is not a place for a new hunter, he will always tag out but the experienced hunter can take some real bone here if he is sharp and know that these bucks will only tolerate 1 mistake. This is trophy hunting massive whitetails.
So many hunters say on monday, “if i knew friday what i know now on monday i would have filled my tag on saturday morning instead of sunday,” because of this we are here to help you know friday what you need to know saturday morning. Remember saturday morning you are the only ones on the property, it is your lease. You will want to be able to say what i know from my cameras and pre-scouting quietly and as scentless as possible allowed me to take this 180 and see 3 others that would have easily made the book.
Popular topics to follow
Fence hunting
If you are on an exterior fence line of the lease provide 50 yards from the fence as a buffer and a place to ambush your buck. Many times, these big bucks don’t go down at the shot and when the jump a fence they always take a few long strides before they slow to a walk or stop providing a good shot. In addition, if a buck is shot he must be in good enough condition to turn around and run toward the fence and jump it. The law is simple of this, you cannot pursue you wounded but on private property without permission. Illegal activities can be justification for you to be ejected from the property and their lease cancelled without any refund.
If you wound a buck and he crosses a fence
Call us and we will contact the correct landowner and he along with us and you will search for your buck. We are as easy as a cell phone call away and live in the area and stay by the leases most of the time during the season. If we are not close we will contact the neighbor and have you meet if at the fence where the deer left the lease, look for blood and hair and track your deer until we get there.
We are specific about this and our neighbors are the same so that it is fair and no one shoots over the fence. In the same token if you see someone shooting over the fence into your lease get as much information and call me we will get the game warden involved.
Tree stands & safety
Since the property has had such minimal hunting pressure in the past you won’t find much for tree stands on the property. If you use any there you use them at your own risk and are free to maintain them. If you want to put your own up please maintain them also. We only have 1 tree stand rule. That is if you are in a stand above the ground you must wear a safety harness of some type, we don’t stalk them so it is your lease you must have them with you. We strive for safety and stats show that 50% of tree stand hunters will fall out a of a tree during their hunting career. We have been very safety conscious and never had an accident. We will assist you in selecting a location for your stand/blind to get the best deer traffic. We also must have stands out of the way of any farming operations. Before placing a stand advise us where you plan to put it so that we can confirm it is out of the farming operations, which is required by our lease with the land owner. If put in and not approved and is possibly a farming issue the stand/blind will be re-located. That being said there must be some properties somewhen that has had 100% accidents because we have never had one and work to keep it that way. In addition, be aware to the states blaze orange requirements you will see it in your state regulations along with other regulations for hunting in this great pro-hunting state.
We will show you the best location to access your lease. We will also note your vehicle and license plate so that if someone is there that should not be there we have what we need to work with the game warden to handle any trespasser. We take trespassing seriously, that is one reason our deer quality is so high. We know like anywhere there are road hunter and we are constantly writing down phone numbers to weed them out. Note if you see someone shooting at a deer from the road, get what you can to be able to identify them then we will handle it with the game warden. We seldom have incidents and we put no hunting signs around your property and you are free to add some more if you wish.
Sincere direction
We are sincerely here so that you can have the size and the density of the deer that you manage your lease for. Every deer on your property is yours, if someone from a road shoot a deer on your property he is stealing your deer. We take that very seriously and do everything possible to see that they are punished to the full extent of the law, for you and for us. We want you to raise your deer, hunt your deer and shoot your deer because you earned them and want them for you and your family not a road hunter of trespasser. If you even see something suspicious get a license plate and write it down it is possible you are only seeing part of the crime.
Where you gut your deer on the property is your choice. Coyotes are predictors for larger deer but everything from eagles to racoons will eat a fawn. You are always welcome to shoot coyotes and we recommend that you put the deer guts in a location away from your best hunting areas. The predators have traveling pattern and the more you steer they patterns toward you best deer area the more they will be there year around and they do nothing to improve your deer hunting.
Driving on the property
It is ok to drive on the property established roads. Driving off the roads will be noticed by the deer and their travel patterns may change due to it. Also, in muddy conditions erosion damage can be a issue in this fertile soil.
Atv’s on the property
Atvs are great to get around and haul out deer. They are good for putting in permission required food plots. The down side becomes that deer are not accustom to the noise of an atv and will disappear quickly before you even see them. It is your risk, and your deer, your choice and i caution you about the erosion cause by atv travel. Small bucks will tolerate the traffic for a while, large bucks on the other hand will not tolerate much atv traffic, before leaving the area. The bottom line is this. We want you to be successful in not just taking deer but taking big deer. We recommend that you only use atv or utv for retrieval of deer, emergency use or if they physically can’t walk in to place to hunt. Big deer know a atv is a foreign sound and will stage in heavy cover and not come out until after dark. If you have been shooting deer but not big deer this might explain why. We have big deer but as everyone says they didn’t get big by being stupid.
Deer limit per hunter registered on your lease
At the current pricing structure each person is allow to take 1 deer, a buck or a doe. We have found that the problem with shooting extra does or anything like that we are all trying to grow the bucks as big as possible, that is one of the main benefits of a lease. The down side is as you get bigger deer they are more sensitive about people in their domain during the hunting season and you may just push them into the neighbors awaiting rifle when you were just shooting a doe. Because we strive for building a continued number of quality deer we have taken the 1 buck deer any weapons, and season per person.
Keep in mind in nebraska you can buy an archery license and hunt the big one during archery season and as long as you don’t shoot a buck, you can buy a rifle license and shoot your buck then. If perhaps you did not see the buck you wanted during the gun season then archery season is open again right after the gun season ends. All works as long as you only shoot one deer per person per year. Additional deer buck or doe can be taken but it is $ 750 in advance to do so.
If you would like a son or daughter to shoot your lease buck you can do so but must be with them when they are hunting on the lease. You are responsible to see that they follow all of the rules of this lease. Not following the rules could get you ejected from the property your lease cancelled.
Camping on your lease
There are some options here but there are no building structures to stay in. Self-contained camper and tent lodging is available on most properties.
Whitetail is the other red meat, all natural, and all good eating
Type | Annual |
Size | 988 Acres |
Game | Whitetail Deer, Predator |
Weapon | Archery, Rifles, Muzzleloader |
Security | Yes |
Owner Nearby | Yes |
Location | Norfolk, 68756, Colorado |
Nearest Town | Norfolk |
Trophy | Yes |
Species | |
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