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Calculate Hunting Lease Prices and Income – Get instant realistic prices for hunters and landowners. What’s a fair price for leasing land to a group of hunters? This question is different for every landowner and for every hunter. Depending on what you value in a hunting lease or on your own property, or the property that you have your eye on, the price will change.

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Determine the best price for your hunting lease

As previous stated, some owners ask something like $50 an acre for prime real estate, where others may only be able to ask $10 for less desirable land. One of the ways to deal with this issue is to use our Hunting Lease Valuation Tool. In this way a hunter can type in the state that he or she wants to hunt along with the number of acres desired, the animals that they would like to hunt, and the conditions for those species.

The hunter and the property owner can then immediately see the average base value of the land, its value including property conditions, and its overall value as a hunting property. At this point it is only a matter of time until the landowner and the hunter come together to the deal that will ultimately benefit both of them.

What determines the right price for your hunting lease?

Getting to the root of the issue is what we are here to help you with. If you are willing and able to work with a lessee, allowing them to make changes to your valued land such as allowing food plots or other big ticket items like a tower blind, clear-cutting, or even creating paths, you could feasibly charge more, particularly since a lessee would be willing to pay more to have the land be virtually their own.

What is a fair price for hunting land?


A landowner that is willing to work with a lessee can provide a heretofore unheard of value in his or her property that can cause a marked increased in its value to hunters. Hunters who cannot afford to own a piece of property are generally looking for a long tearm piece of land that they can hunt for years to come. It's not uncommon to have good leases stay in the same group or family 10+ years. 


For the hunter who is willing to pay for a lease use our hunting land pricing tool to determine what a fair price should be. Renting a piece of property is not the same as owning it, but the price paid to do so must be in line with the use of it. A landowner that is open to changes more than just cutting shooting lanes or simply hanging tree stands is one worth working with.

Discussion has to be apart of the equation. One of the most important things to consider when on the hunt for hunting property to lease is a property owner that is not only willing to talk about his land, but willing to listen to what a hunter or group of hunters would like to do with it. Would that landowner be willing to consider letting the group put a trailer on the property or allow a mobile RV of some sort to leave there as a base camp?

Hunting Lease Cost With Amenities


Having access to things like electric or water is more for the KOA crowd, but it’s not unheard if either. A landowner that could offer such an amenity would undoubtedly have an upper hand when it comes to price, and hunters that could have such access would be willing to pay a little more as well.

A group of hunters should already have the understanding that they do not own the property, and obviously should respect that fact, but it remains as a very important selling point that a group of lessees might want or need to stay on the property while they hunt, not traveling back and forth from day to day. Let’s face it if you're paying for a lease it would be ideal to also stay on the land.


Probably the most important aspect of how valuable your hunting land is, i.e. the amount you could charge someone to hunt on it, is the wildlife potential that it possesses. Providing and comparing trail camera photos, pictures of recent year’s successful hunts, and even shed production can vastly improve a hunters desire to lease it from you. As they say in the real estate trade: “location, location, location.” But as any good hunter will tell you, it's more about production, production, production.

Don’t Undervalue Hunting Lease Location


Speaking of location, are you, as a hunter, looking to lease land in western New York or western Iowa? States such as Texas and Kansas are famous for their deer hunting exploits and have the trophies to prove it. Expecting to pay a higher price in these prime hunting zones is as expected as the price you pay for food at the drive through compared to a meal at a fine restaurant.


Now that we've discussed how a leasing hunter or group of hunters may improve the land, what can the property owner do himself beforehand? Hiring a timber company to clear-cut may have a twofold effect- dropping old growth forest to improve wildlife habitat while also gaining the owner a profit from the timber. While not many crop producers will want to leave their money in their fields, brush hogging and tree cutting of undesirable timber while leaving it there can create new growth on one hand, and new cover on the other.

Remember: it’s not always about deer hunting - grouse, pheasant, and turkey hunters are looking for land to lease as well.

Hunting Lease Size – How Many Acres Is Enough?


Now the decision has to be made as to how much land are you looking to lease? Are you a part of a group, a solo, or possibly a pair of hunters? In any event, you’ll need a plot of land to hunt that suits your purposes and meets your needs as a hunter. For a solo hunter or a pair, you probably don't need much more than 50-60 acres to serve your needs. For a group, 60-100 minimum or more.

The difference being in the quality of the land that your looking at. 60-acres of prime deer property can make a deer hunter’s dreams, but 300-acres of marginal land that doesn't hold much in the way of game is just a whole lot of nothing. By using a few comparable lease listings in your area, you can make a educated decision as to what your price per acre should be, and then decide if the ultimate price tag that this land holds for you is worth it.


As a landowner you will need to list the appealing attributes of the property before you intend to offer it to hunters, knowing that most are fairly astute in their knowledge and intention of hunting land. Now an educated decision can be made as to what you can ask for a lease, giving the hunters in your community a way to compare its price to others in the area.

Resources to list and find hunting Land

Landowners Can List Their Hunting Land for Free


Hunting Locator is unmatched in getting the word out to prospective hunters looking to lease hunting land. Hunting rights from a private landowner are what all good, solid members of the hunting community are looking for, and with a few short steps you can be on your way to obtaining that additional income that you've always been looking for. The best part is that its completely free, no fees or commissions. In just a couple of minutes your property can be in front of hundreds of thousands of hunters. Click here to List your hunting land.

Browse Hunting Leases With Realistic Prices


Until then you can set your sights on land of your own by simply cruising through our website, to your hearts content, at all the possibilities by clicking every state on the map at our home page, check access to premium land leases, maps and tools. If you’re interested, check out our giveaway page to see what might be yours for the taking.