Hunting Locator Partners

Gain instant access to huge discounts on these great brands, up to 40% off!

Strickland Land Services

20% off code HLMEMBER22

Discount code for premium members only

Leap Outdoors

20% off Leap Outdoors

Discount code for premium members only


10% off HybridLight

Discount code for premium members only

Pyro Putty

10% off Pyro Putty

Discount code for premium members only


20% off SKRE

Discount code for premium members only

Sportsmans Box

20% off first subscription box. Active until end of 2022

Discount code for premium members only


20% off OnX off the first year for onX Memberships

Discount code for premium members only

Phone Skope

10% off Phone Skope

Discount code for premium members only

Buck Bourbon

20% off Buck Bourbon

Discount code for premium members only

Targets Unlimited

10%off Targets Unlimited

Discount code for premium members only

SOG Knives

20% off SOG Knives

Discount code for premium members only


20% off Truglo

Discount code for premium members only

Walkers Game Ear

20% Off Discount

Discount code for premium members only


Hawk- 20% Off Discount
Excludes box blinds, towers + combos

Discount code for premium members only

Cold Steel Knives

35% off Cold Steel Knives

Discount code for premium members only

Wild Game Innovations

WGI- 20% Discount
Excludes wireless trail cameras + data plans

Discount code for premium members only


Muddy- 20% Off Discount
Excludes box blinds, towers + combos
Excludes wireless trail cameras + data plans

Discount code for premium members only

Stealth Cam

10% Off Discount
Excludes wireless trail cameras + data plans

Discount code for premium members only

Black Oak LED

30% off on all Black Oak products

Discount code for premium members only