This is an 8,000 acre lease on 14,000 acres. It is located 15 miles north of the city of rio grande city in starr county, texas. The ranch is under mld3 and is heavily managed under strict rules. All deer are native south texas deer. Average score of our “trophy bucks” for 2018 season was 169 7/8 with 2 bucks scoring 185+. The ranch has produced a couple 200+ inch bucks in the past. For video footage of some of this past season find them on my youtube page under kelly madden. Email or call with any questions.
Type | Annual |
Size | 14,000 Acres |
Game | Whitetail Deer, Turkey, Dove, Quail, Predator |
Weapon | Archery, Rifles, Shotguns, Pistol |
Security | Yes |
Owner Nearby | Yes |
Location | Starr, 78582, Texas |
Nearest Town | Rio Grande City |
Trophy | Yes |
Species | |
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Sign Up for PremiumRio Grande City, 78582 Texas | County: Starr |
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