Nathalie VA - 12 acres
12 Acres
under $1000
under $1000
One spot available on 950 acre lease in Chadbourn NC. Total of 5 members on the entire lease. Trophy minded club, absolutely no shooting small bucks. No stands closer than 500 yards to each other and 3 stands per hunter max. Cost is $1750 for a year and includes deer, turkey small game. Shoot me a call if you need more info!!!!!
Type | Annual |
Size | 950 Acres |
Game | Whitetail Deer, Turkey |
Weapon | Archery, Rifles |
Security | Yes |
Owner Nearby | Yes |
Location | Columbus, 28431, North Carolina |
Nearest Town | Chadbourn NC |
Trophy | Yes |
Species | |
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Sign Up for PremiumChadbourn NC, 28431 North Carolina | County: Columbus |
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