Listing Details

Winnemucca, 54,536 Acres of Public Hunting Land for Mule Deer, Predator, Exotics – Winnemucca, Nevada

This 54,536 - acres hunting tract provides facilitates to the hunters like: hunting, fishing, horse riding, and wildlife viewing. This property is situated in Madison Winnemucca in Nevada. The hunters visiting South Jackson Mountains Wilderness Area can hunt California Big Horn Sheep, Mule Deer, Antelope, Mountain Lion, Coyote, Rabbit, and Bobcat. Most of this WMA is stretched along the foothills of the Madison Mountain Range, where the forest meets the shrub steppe and grasslands, but two sections lie completely in the Lee Metcalf Wilderness area. The land is approximately 32% grassland, 14% shrub-steppe, 49% coniferous forest, and 1% alpine areas. Camping and car parking facility is also available at this land.

Property Details

County Winnemucca
Size 54,536 Acres
Public Land Bureau of Land Management
Game Mule Deer, Predator, Exotics
Weapon Archery, Rifles
Location Winnemucca, 89445, Nevada
Nearest Town Winnemucca
Trophy Yes

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