10,000 ac hunting located in hardin co texas. Ran by the same faimly for 50 + years.Lots of deer and hogs. Price is $900.00 per gun per year.We are killing some real good bucks. This is the 4 th year of the states 13 inch inside spread law and we are seeing some good bucks.We have year around camping. ( in camp area ) we are a very safety minded lease we have never had a accident and we do not want any. You can kill 2 bucks and (1 doe by permit only ) permit will be by drawing by management .You can kill all the hogs you like. Roads in lease are in great condition.
Type | Annual |
Size | 10,000 Acres |
Game | Whitetail Deer, Hog |
Weapon | Archery, Rifles, Shotguns, Pistol |
Security | Yes |
Owner Nearby | Yes |
Location | Hardin, 77625, Texas |
Nearest Town | Kountze ,Texas |
Trophy | Yes |
Species | |
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Sign Up for PremiumKountze ,Texas, 77625 Texas | County: Hardin |
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