Listing Details

Arenac, 3,137 Acres of Public Hunting Land for Duck, Exotics – Arenac, Michigan

This land is situated in Arenac County in Michigan. The surface of this hunting property is mostly covered with forest, and the rest is covered with grassland, wetland, and timberland. The species that are available for hunting on this land are American Bittern, Mallard, Scaup, and Wood Duck. The management of this land maintain this land properly for the wildlife. They apply the prescribed fire for the extra grass and brushes to make the land clean. Moreover, they apply herbicides on this land. Additionally, plantation, mowing, bulldozing, and disking are also done to maintain this land. Lastly, hunters are not allowed to camp on this land and they are required to park their cars in the designated parking lot.

Property Details

County Arenac
Size 3,137 Acres
Public Land State Wildlife Management Areas
Game Duck, Exotics
Weapon Archery, Rifles, Shotguns
Location Arenac, 48650, Michigan
Nearest Town Pinconning
Trophy Yes

Property Contact

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