Listing Details

Leon, 2,790 Acres of Public Hunting Land for Whitetail Deer, Turkey, Dove, Hog, Quail, Duck, Exotics – Leon, Florida

This land is situated in Leon County and the total area of this land is 2,790 – acres. The hunters who visit this land can hunt Wild Hog, Turkey, Quail, Bobcat, Otter, Raccoon, Opossum, Armadillo, Beaver, Coyote, Skunk, Nutria, Gray Squirrel, Rabbit, and White-tailed Deer. Hunters can also bring dogs for hunting rabbits and squirrel only. The hunters who are of age 16 or under can also hunt on this land but under the continuous monitoring of some adult who posses a valid hunting license. The weapons that can be used for hunting are Archery, Muzzleloader, Rifles, Shotguns, and Pistols. Additionally, camping is prohibited on this land and cars need to be parked in the designated area only.

Property Details

County Leon
Size 2,790 Acres
Public Land State Wildlife Management Areas
Game Whitetail Deer, Turkey, Dove, Hog, Quail, Duck, Exotics
Weapon Archery, Rifles, Shotguns, Pistol, Muzzleloader
Location Leon, 32303, Florida
Nearest Town Tallahassee
Trophy Yes

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