Listing Details

A barter offer to hunt 250 acres. Not for lease, no need to ask.

Land not for lease. Barter only. You can’t offer me enough money to lease it, but if you have a beach house or condo within 200 miles or so of Americus Ga that you are willing to share on occasion, then you may be able to hunt all you want and then some. For the right person , you may be able to hunt several places that have not been leased in many years.

Property Details

Type Annual
Size 250 Acres
Game Whitetail Deer, Turkey, Dove, Hog, Quail, Duck, Predator
Weapon Archery, Rifles, Shotguns, Pistol, Muzzleloader
Security Yes
Owner Nearby Yes
Location Stewart, 31825, Georgia
Nearest Town Richland
Trophy Yes

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Richland, 31825 Georgia County: Stewart

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