We have 4 openings left at this time on 1,780 acres. A total of 15 guns. Electricity available. No water. Good camping area. Family type lease. $1,000.00 per gun. Not a party lease and no drinking while hunting. Lease is located 2 miles south of Shepard, Tx or 9 miles north of Cleveland. This is a year round lease and is in San Jacinto county. Not paper company.
We have a lot of hogs with some hogs going over 350 lbs. We have deer but this is wooded and hard hunting. Showing now on Weekends.
Type | Annual |
Size | 1,780 Acres |
Game | Whitetail Deer, Hog, Predator |
Weapon | Archery, Rifles |
Location | San Jacinto, 77340, Texas |
Nearest Town | Shepard |
Trophy | Yes |
Species | |
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Sign Up for PremiumShepard, 77340 Texas | County: San Jacinto |
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