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Start searchThere are more than 1.3 million acres of hunting lands in Alabama which provide a great opportunity for hunters to hunt big and small games. Species that can be hunt in this land in large amounts include white-tailed deer, feral hogs, waterfowl, rabbits, squirrel, wild turkey, bobwhite quail, mourning doves, and many others. Alabama Public Hunting Land and Properties for Sale. All the hunters who want to hunt on public or private lands must possess a valid hunting license and a permit for hunting. Hunting permits can be taken by online registration or by on-site registration depending upon the rules and regulations of the hunting property. People who are physically challenged can also hunt on the hunting lands in their designated areas in most of the hunting lands. Moreover, hunters are allowed to bring their pets on hunting lands but they must be leashed. Like other states, Alabama also does not allow hunters to carry alcoholic drinks and drugs to the hunting lands. Most hunters prefer to hunt White-tailed Deer in this state that is why more than 100,000 hunters visit this state every year from different areas just to hunt deer.
Alabama is the number one State where most number of hunters visit hunting leases every year to hunt White-tailed Deer. According to a survey more than 180,000 hunters go out in the field every year to hunt Deer. This also plays a significant role in improving the economic conditions of this state. Every year almost 300,000 deer are hunt by hunters in this state and the reproduction rate of this specie is also the same. In this state Deer population is managed by Wildlife Freshwater Fisheries. They collect data from all the wildlife management areas and then manage the Deer hunting seasons, bag limits, and other aspects of deer hunting in this state. Moreover, there are different Deer hunting seasons in this state and hunting lands are given on leases according to those seasons. In addition to, more than 30% hunters in Alabama lease hunting properties just to hunt Deer and this is a huge percentage as compared to other states. White-tail deer hunting is a great point of interest for the native hunters of Alabama as well as for non-residents. That is why hunting lands are taken on lease every year by hunters.
There are more than 500,000 acres of timber companies hunting leases in Alabama. These lands are ideal for hunters, fishermen and other nature lovers looking to get outdoors and into the forest. These lands offer great Hunting and Recreation opportunities for the hunters who visit them. The animals that are available in huge amount on these lands include White-tailed Deer, Turkey, Coyotes, Raccoon, and many other small and large games. Public hunting lands in this state do not provide facilities like restrooms, campsites, washrooms, food corners etc, but they all are available in the timber company hunting leases. Most hunters in this state prefer to visit hunting leases as visitors are not allowed in such places and hunters can hunt the desired animals in a secure and crowd free environment. The minimum age to hunt on timber company hunting leases is 17 years and those hunters who are underage must hunt animals under the monitoring of some adult who possess a valid hunting license and a hunting lease permit. Lastly, there are always special areas on these lands for the disabled hunters so that they can hunt their desired animals easily.