Listing Details

Ross, 1,862 Acres of Public Hunting Land for Duck, Exotics – Ross, Ohio

The surface of this land is mostly covered with forest, wetland, grassland, and brushy upland. The total area of this land is 1,862 – acres. The species that can be hunt on this land are Reddish Egret, Ducks, and Blue- winged teal. Hunters who visit this land must possess a valid hunting license and a hunting permission slip that can be taken by an online application. This land is managed with the help of prescribed fire, strip disking, cattle grazing, and brush hogging. Camping is allowed on this land. Moreover, underage hunters are also allowed to hunt but under the continuous monitoring of some adult who has an appropriate hunting license. Additionally, cars can only be parked in the designated area.

Property Details

County Ross
Size 1,862 Acres
Public Land State Parks
Game Duck, Exotics
Weapon Archery, Rifles, Shotguns
Location Ross, 45601, Ohio
Nearest Town Chillicothe
Trophy Yes

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