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Start searchPublic Hunting Lands Arkansas:
In Arkansas public hunting lands are managed by the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission and hunting leases are managed by the private owners and organizations. There are more than 3.2 million acres of hunting land in this state which are open to public. It is almost 9.7% of the total area of this state. Hunters who have a valid hunting license can hunt on these lands by getting a hunting permit through online registration or onsite registration depending upon the rules of selected hunting land.
Arkansas Hunting:
Arkansas has a huge amount of Deer, Dove, Bear, Waterfowl, and many other small and big game. Every year more than .5 million hunters visit this state to hunt big games especially Deer and Bear. Native hunters also visit public and private lands to hunt their desired species. The best thing about this state is that the weather is always moderate here throughout the year. Hunters can plan their hunt in any season and can hunt their desired animals in any public or private land. There are more hunting leases in this state than public hunting lands which provide great facilities to the hunters during their hunt including luxurious restrooms, toilets, tuck shops, campsites, car parking lots, and fresh drinking water.
Hunting Lands Arkansas:
In Arkansas almost 0.6 million hunting licenses are sold every year to the hunters who want to hunt Deer and Bear on this land. Despite the great hunting rate of Deer in this state in recent years the population of Deer has increased by 30%. There is no place in Arkansas where you cannot a find a hunting land easily. Almost every person who is above 18 possess a hunting license and visit hunting leases to hunt Deer and other animals. According to an estimate more than 300,000 hunters visit this state for hunting from different areas of United States which also help in improving the economic conditions of this state.
Best Public Hunting Lands in Arkansas:
Hunters prefer public hunting lands in this state because they are cheap and easy to approach. In public hunting lands hunters are given with the best environment to hunt the desired animals. Additionally, more than $3.5 billion are earned every year by the hunting activities in this state out of which $1.5 billion is earned by selling the hunting equipment. Lastly, there are designated areas in Arkansas hunting lands for the people who are physically challenged.